If international shipping is not allowed on an item, unfortunately we will not be able to ship that item worldwide. The British Heart Foundation eBay Shop is unable to open up auctions once they have begun to excluded buyers or countries. Opening Up Auctions To International Buyers Or Blocked Buyers Please only include details in the 'Post To' section that you are happy to be shared with couriers. Our couriers handle this data in accordance with ICO guidelines and Data Protection law.

Names, usernames, addresses and contact numbers which are provided via the customer to eBay, will be shared with our couriers for dispatch purposes only. We are not responsible for recovering a parcel if it is posted to an address other than that stated on your eBay account.īased on the volumes of stock we are processing, we are unable to hold orders following payment and any orders received after payment is received will be processed within our 1-2 working day time frame. Any address changes requested outside of this will be refused and the order will be cancelled as this is a breach of eBay policy.

When making payment, please ensure you specify the correct address where you wish for your order to be posted to.

It is BHF ebay policy to let all auctions run their course and be fair to all customers and supporters. The British Heart Foundation ebay Shop promises to not end auctions early or accept offers. Terms and conditions of the sale General Terms and Conditions